

Kennedy is the inspiration and visionary behind Kennedy's Korner! Kennedy lives with complex medical conditions - such as CP (cerebral palsy), epilepsy and is labeled nonverbal to name a few. She suffered traumatic brain injury during birth. Kennedy was born to DiSha Allen, a beautiful and loving Mother, Daughter, Sister & Friend.



December 12, 2021, our lives changed forever when my daughter, DiSha's, life was tragically taken by gun violence.

As GiGi, I am blessed and honored to raise Kennedy! To be honest, it is she who has kept me pushing forward through the hurt, pain and dark places.

Kennedy's smile is heartfelt, her joyous spirit and determination are an inspiration to many!

The Birth of

Kennedy's Korner

Kennedy's Korner is birthed from the"non-verbal" cues that Kennedy used to express her love for the gloss; Lip Gloss that is lol. 

Our mission is to empower the youth of our future.  Impacting young girls lives, positively, letting them know that they are beautiful, they are seen, they are included, and that they matter too regards of a disability, label, or medical condition. We're striving, to break the"silent" cycles of pushing kids in korners, and keeping them caged inside the 4-walls. 

It's Breakthrough Season, and Kennedy's Korner has something in store for you!  Everyone is welcomed, our youth will be seen, they will be heard, and the lipgloss is the beginning of a movement for a greater cause.  Thank you for joining us on this journey - may God bless you, and remember to "Keep It Kute."  

With Love, 

Kennedy's Korner